Sunday 26 December 2010

West 57th St. Cafe by Zang Toi ~ Parkson Pavillion

First of all...

I had a wonderful christmas eve dinner with family and friends and it reminded me of life's joy and laughter. Because all we did was laugh, a lot.

Thank you Jaslyn, Jared, Teri, Ezel, Darrell and Leong for attending and for the gifts you brought along!

After recovering from the eve dinner's hustle and bustle and a good night's sleep due to alcohol!, Jaslyn suggested we drop by Baviphat to get Gwen and Teri's christmas presents. I decided to put the Baviphat vouchers I have to good use (and hey, I'm not being cheapskate, it's only a RM10 discount for every RM50 spent!) so we dropped by Pavillion and Sungai Wang.

A little indulgence in afternoon tea was definitely not in our initial plan.

Zang Toi Cafe's main website can be found here while it's facebook page can be found here.
Other comments can be found at

It's not exactly afternoon tea but it provided us energy to walk all the way to Sungai Wang and back to Pavillion!

Even though the cafe is famous for its food, the decor is pretty eye-catching as well.

Lots of whites and blacks as well as classy decor and furniture. There were some of his creations for sale, mainly clothes but I didn't snap photos of those.

The above photo is the cutlery and condiments area. All the sugar, creamer for your tea and your salt and pepper shakers are placed here. It blended so well with the rest of the decor that I thought they were part of the decor or for sale.

They are having a year-end promotion but it didn't apply to us as we were only there for tea.

The sweet section of the menu has cakes and crepes. I didn't take a photo of the full menu but just the items that we had just for a price reference.

I was really wondering what the Couture Chocolate Cake was as it costs RM12 but I decided against ordering it cause it would really burn a hole in my wallet.

The first page of the drink menu is as follows.

The next question would be, what did we have?

I had a West 57th Pandan & Cream Cheese cake and a Zang Toi's Fruity Ice Tea Punch. It seems that I'm picking items that have their signature stamped all over it haha.

I know most of you are cringing at the unlikely marriage of pandan (screwpine) and cream cheese but trust me when I say.... it's nice. Well, their version of it is nice at least. The pandan layer was light, actually a little dry and they're not stingy with their cream cheese.

It may look like there isn't enough cream cheese but I got full halfway and I had to force myself to eat the rest till there was only 1/8th left.

But the real surprise can in the form of bananas. Who knew that pandan, cream cheese and bananas would go well together? I'm surprised I decided to try it hehe. There's also bits of dessicated coconut on the cream cheese surface.

The Zang Toi's Fruity Ice Tea Punch was another story all together.

I dislike having residue in my drinks, especially my tea. Imagine the shock I got when this glass appeared.

There's lime, chopped lemon skin and all kinds of citrus sacs in there. I didn't want to eat any of it so I had to drink very careful and occasionally pick them out of my mouth. Very unflattering, I know. But it had to be done.

In terms of taste, it was sour. And sour and sour and sour. The acidity killed everything else. Maybe it would have been nicer if they infused some other fruits like peaches or pineapple or anything else, for that matter. I could only taste the tea a few minutes after I was done with the whole drink.

Ugh, residue.

Jaslyn had her favorite Zang Toi Signature Chocolate Banana cake and a glass of warm water. She only goes to Zang Toi Cafe for their chocolate banana cake, having raved about it before when it was still back in Sungai Wang.

Chocolatey, chocolatey chocolate cake! It was hard to eat this cake without getting messy.

This should be called Chocolate Indulgence instead of Secret Recipe's haha. It is really the ultimate chocolate banana cake. Though I didn't really enjoy it cause it got stuck to my palette.

Overall, tea was pleasant. I would keep this place for little indulgences. I can't afford a RM8.50 piece of cake all the time.

And next time, we're ordering to share. There were some sample leftovers. We really couldn't finish it all!