Wednesday 1 July 2015

Durian fest ~ SS2 Durian

The weather is hot, mosquitoes are abundant and it's durian season!
A combination of the best and worse things about Malaysia come together in June when KLites flock to the rows of durian stalls near BHP in SS2.

But a quick check on the old location will render you result-less as they're all covered up with plastic sheets and the lights out. Where have all my durian stalls disappeared to?!
Before you go into a panic attack over disappearing durians, they have moved to a nicer build-up on Jalan Harapan, Seksyen 19. A quick check on Durian SS2's site will tell you that.

Click the map to zoom in! The location is almost opposite the famous banana leaf rice place, Kanna Curry House so if you drive down that road, you'd never go wrong.

You'd be greeted by the hordes of people by the road side, durian in hand as well as the super bright fluorescent lights. All the durian stalls from the previous location are now allocated a kiosk and they're all labelled properly so you can go back to your favorite.

Seats are aplenty though the only thing you may be worried about are mosquitoes and the rain. But then again, it doesn't rain during durian season!

SS2 Durian is our staple as their service is good and their staff attentive. The skillful workers crack open the durian effortlessly within seconds. I'd probably take a good 15 minutes to attempt the same feat.

To start - the Hor Lor. This variety from Penang is sweet, milky and hardly bitter. It has a slightly wet consistency so you'd get it all over your fingers. A good durian to start with as it is lighter and whets your appetite to have more.

Next, the Red Prawn or Ang He has a slight red tinge true to it's name. This durian was the most worth eating as every section had chunks of flesh even right down to the smallest sections. On top of that, the seeds were small so there was more durian to go around. It was better tasting than the Hor Lor due to a more bitter aftertaste so the balance of sweet and bitter was lovely in that encased creaminess.

Finally the best of the best, the Musang King, with varieties from Penang and Johor is what you should end with. There is no rivaling this feast for the eyes with its beautiful bright yellow flesh and when placed in your mouth, you'd probably not be able to speak for a few seconds due to that rich gooeyness that coats your entire mouth. The smooth butteryness, accentuated by the strong bitter aftertaste is unmistakably the Mao Shan Wong durian and is exactly the reason why this durian should be kept for the last. No other durian will be worthy of your taste buds after you've had the Musang King.

The Musang King is also RM30 per kg and is well worth the money considering the satisfaction that comes with it. Durian SS2 does not offer drinks but there is a coconut seller in the vicinity which will go from table to table offering you coconut water to cool the 'heaty' durian consumption.

They offer takeaway services as well. The durian will be cut open and packed before your eyes. For those who wish to bring the durian overseas, they offer 'airplane' packaging which consists of a clear air tight plastic container packed in clear plastic which is then sealed in another clear plastic aluminium foil bag. If that doesn't keep the smell in, I don't know what will.

According to the stall owner, the durian price is expected to increase in 3 weeks time when the durian supply decreases so get your durian fix now! If my sore throat heals (I got it before this durian session and it was further aggravated by it), perhaps there will be another round? Does anyone know any quick sore throat remedies? I need more durian!