Friday 8 January 2016

Chatuchak Weekend Market ~ Bangkok

There are too many food choices near the Chatuchak Weekend Market that you really need to follow your instincts or observe which stall has the most locals.

LC's head turned when we walked pass every stall with Kao Kha Moo, a Thai-styled Braised Pork Leg or Pork Knuckle served with rice so we settled for a stall that served it. I was on the lookout for a good Pad Thai but the stalls served more salad and soup dishes or stir-fried meat dishes served with rice. Tough luck.

The unassuming Kao Kha Moo was served with a braised hard boiled egg, some leafy vegetables and some preserved vegetables. Tasty and simple, LC enjoyed every bite of the juicy and tender pork. He was so close to ordering another if we were not on the prowl for more food.

I was stuck with my second best choice - some street tom yam noodles.

The Tom Yam is very different from what I'm used to. Filled with chopped peanuts, pork slices and pork balls with rice noodles, it was a surprisingly delicious mixture. The soup was flavorful and rich, spicy and sour and the pork had no 'porky' smell. That was a good lesson of 'never judge a book by its cover'.

Walking into the modern part of the Chatuchak Market extension, Chicken House caught our eye and we decided to sit down for a snack and a break from the sweltering heat.

They had options of fried chicken on in its own or served with rice and we opted for some spicy wings on its own.

Covered in a tom yam flavored powder, it was not as spicy as we expected and not as delicious. The restaurant was filled to the brim though and with locals too. The chicken was fried well but that seasoning is just too strange for our liking. The sauces that were served were a little strange as well.

You'd be better off with their chilli sauce and tomato ketchup.

We were quite intrigued by the thin and tall Pepsi bottles though.

Making our way back to the main part of Chatuchak Market, there was a lady selling skewers just at the big stone Chatuchak Market sign.

Be aware that she doesn't speak English and will easily mislead you into thinking that you're eating the meat that she says it is but isn't.

The skewer in the middle is said to be pork but it doesn't look like pork. It turned out to be squid, wasn't grilled very well and had a slimy texture and fishy taste. I had one bite and stopped eating. LC spat out his skewered 'pork'.

Walking into the Chatuchak Weekend Market area, we came across stalls selling crepe stuffed with custard, quail eggs or a meat stuffing and decided to try some.

It was quite fascinating to watch her working on the crepes.

We ordered 2 pieces of custard and 2 pieces of quail egg crepes. They were cheap, simple and delicious!

Because we visited Chatuchak on a Friday, a lot of stalls were not opened and we didn't get to try the food that we initially wanted to try. Lesson learned, stay in Bangkok till Sunday or Monday so you won't miss the weekend market!