Sunday 1 September 2013

Lim Fried Chicken ~ SS14

This post was first posted at Lim Fried Chicken ~ SS14 on Deliciouslogy | Wordpress.

Updates 22/07/15: This SS14 branch has closed. The SS15 is still up and running by the stall owner's son.

This post has just one photo. Yes, just one photo. This one photo was enough to tempt people to have nasi lemak for the rest of the day after I posted it on Instagram.

Craving nasi lemak yet? :)

This plate of sinful goodness is from a fried chicken stall in a coffee shop in Subang SS14. The boyfriend (which I will from henceforth refer to as LC lol) and I got a Lim Fried Chicken voucher from Living Social and we were about to walk out the door when his mum asked 'Wait, which Lim Fried Chicken are you going to?'. Cue awkward fumbling with vouchers which stated 'SS15'. And her response was 'Go to the original first! They're better'.

And... we ended up just opposite of SS15 at the original Lim Fried Chicken at SS14.
It was about 5.30-6.00 pm when we arrived (early dinner) and it was pretty empty, only 2-3 tables were occupied. A lady manned the stall, chopped the chicken and served the customers while another person was frying chicken.

I got a bit greedy and asked for some mutton curry on top of my already huge plate of rice with fried chicken.

Oh it was so gooooooood!

The fried chicken was really fried to perfection. The meat was still smooth and succulent while the skin was crisp. The batter used to coat the chicken was only a thin layer. The mutton curry was also good. No coconut milk used, a healthy alternative. The rice was white rice covered by sambal and a dash of chicken curry sauce. That's how it's served here.

Fried chicken is only served in the evening. When we were there, we watched as table after table was occupied by people mostly eating her food. The coffee shop has a sotong kangkung stall and a fried noodles stall in the evening as well. In the morning, she sells chee cheong fun and nasi lemak without fried chicken.

The next test will be the shop in SS15. The voucher will expire at the end of September so we'll see!

Other reviews can be found at and masak-masak.
Foodspotting has their location.