Tuesday 18 November 2014

Selera Restaurant ~ Little India, Singapore

During our last trip to Singapore, we stayed in a decent hotel in the quieter part of Little India near the old cinema. Soluxe Inn was located right about Selera Restaurant and at first glance, the teh ais and kopi ais seemed to be the right color and consistency. Trust us Malaysians to not be functional without our staple drinks - Jaslyn was actually the first to comment that the teh ais looks like the right color.

Despite our adversity towards local Singaporean food, this could probably be the best that we've had in Singapore.

The teh ais is indeed the correct consistency and color - it came close to a good Malaysian teh ais too. On a separate visit, we had their kopi ais and it was good too - kaw and not too sweet.

LC had a Fried Rice with Salted Fish and shockingly it had wok hei and was quite tasty.

I had a Claypot Meehoon - should have chosen thicker noodles but overall, there was lots of prawns, squid and fish cake and it was pretty tasty too.

The most buzzing area in this kopitiam is the Selera Famous Chicken Curry Puff stall which sells fried food items like chicken and potato curry puffs, lobak, popiah, pisang goreng,  cempedak goreng and prawn fritters. They range between $1 - $2 per item which is rather pricey but the few items we tried were pretty good (close your eyes and make sure you don't convert to MYR)

The fried radish cake didn't have completely disintegrated radish but instead had julienne slices of radish and carrot. It was quite tasty with the chilli sauce and was large enough to grip in my hand.

The cucur udang had a large prawn attached to it. The lady at the stall was continuously frying this so it was probably their best seller alongside the curry puffs. The batter was crispy and the prawn was fresh.

The popiah didn't fair as well. The popiah skin was crispy but the filling a little soggy for my liking.

On a separate occasion, LC had their chicken rice which was quite okay. The rice was rather fragrant and had chicken stock in it while the chicken was tender

Despite being famous for their curry puffs, I never tried them in the end.

The second time around, I went for a pisang goreng and cempedak goreng. The banana caramalized nicely on the inside and was fried to perfection. The cempedak was sweet and fragrant.

If you're in the area and craving for food closer to home, this place would be your best bet. The kopitiam is visible from the Little India MRT,