Sunday 28 February 2016

Ice Dreams Cafe (IDC), Inspired by Kapiti ~ Damansara Kim

Kapiti ice-cream features lots of fruity ice-creams of unique combinations with exotic ingredients often foreign to Malaysians. That explains why the ice-cream testing queues at the Kapiti-inspired Ice Dreams Cafe (IDC) are often long and crowded with the curious! 

Zoom in to have a closer look at their ice-cream flavors!

Click to zoom in on this  Image from IDC's Facebook
The above 9 flavors make up only about half of the flavors at IDC which means you should either go in a big group to have more flavors per person or be prepared to have lots of ice-cream on your own. If not, watch out for IDC's RM18 per person All You Can Eat Ice-cream Buffets that they host occasionally. I have been very unfortunate that I haven't managed to catch a single one!

Click to zoom in on this  Image from IDC's Facebook
IDC also has affogatos with a twist - the most unique being Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) & Sea Salt Flakes on a scoop of Vanilla Bean ice-cream. Those who have tried it have declared it amazing.

We were a large group visiting IDC for the first time so we had the chance to try multiple flavors.

Raspberry Sorbet
It tastes as bright as it looks. Perfect as an acidic after-meal dessert.

Kapiti Blood Orange & Cranberry Sorbet
Blood Orange mmmmm... Flavors of orange with a punch of almost grapefruit-like fragrance, the cranberry added a tinge of sour to the sweet concoction.

After Dinner Mint
I love Mint ice-cream with Chocolate but this one had a slight texture of what I believe are minced mint leaves. An odd texture but lovely flavors.

Passion Fruit & Lemon Curd, Kapiti White Chocolate & Raspberry
The passion fruit ice-cream would have been my choice too if not for limited stomach space and the two fabulous flavors I had already chosen (scroll down to the waffle photo!). Despite both passion fruit and lemon having strong flavors, it turned out to be a delicious medley. The white chocolate and raspberry was a classic berries and cream flavor, easily likable.

Triple Choc, Fig & Honey
Another classic flavor - chocolate proved it could do no wrong while the fig and honey turned out to be an amazing combo. I am not a big fan of fig, whether dried or fresh but this combination was absolutely stunning. Fig and honey together should had been cloyingly sweet but it was surprisingly light with earthy and fruity flavors from the fig and the flowery scent of honey.

Nectarine & Muscovado, After Dinner Mint, Hokey Pokey
Nectarines (the more fragrant 'peach' without fuzzy skin) and muscovado, a molasses sugar was a match made in heaven. There are no words to describe this perfect pairing except for the expression of bliss while having a scoop. Yes, it's that good. The Hokey Pokey, a native New Zealand ice-cream flavor is a vanilla ice cream with chunks of honeycomb toffee, giving the light ice-cream a honey-flavored crunch only otherwise found in a Crunchie bar. So sinful!

Nectarine & Muscovado on a Funnel Cake
IDC serves ice-cream on funnel cakes, a runny batter funneled into oil and deep-fried, a rarity in KL. Crunchy strips with a hollowed center was an interesting pastry experience but a little too oily for my taste.

Spicy Apple Crumble Crepe
The Spicy Apple Crumble Crepe is topped with a scoop of apple crumble ice-cream with spices - it's not spicy per say. The thin and soft crepe is also topped with chocolate sauce, honey and apple crumble laced with cinnamon and nutmeg. Delicious!

Nectarine & Muscovado, Fig & Honey on a Waffle
If it isn't obvious by now, Nectarine & Muscovado was the favorite flavor of the table and I cannot resist peach-flavored anything to begin with. The Fig & Honey combination turned out to be magical as well. The waffle had slightly crispy edges and was a little dense and spongy. Not my favorite waffle but the ice-cream makes it all better.

If you've heard that IDC is all the rave, it is. Now let me catch a ice-cream buffet session so I can officially call IDC my new favorite ice-cream place. 

Other reviews are available here and here.